European Sustainable Workforce Survey - Wave 1
A sustainable European workforce has become increasingly relevant in our present day and age. Flexibility and job insecurity are omnipresent; organizational workforces are... -
European Sustainable Workforce Survey - Full
A sustainable European workforce has become increasingly relevant in our present day and age. Flexibility and job insecurity are omnipresent; organizational workforces are... -
European Sustainable Workforce Survey - Longitudinal
A sustainable European workforce has become increasingly relevant in our present day and age. Flexibility and job insecurity are omnipresent; organizational workforces are... -
Raw data risk-sharing experiment
This folder contains all files used for the Risk-Sharing experiment. The risk-sharing experiment was programmed in oTree and conducted with Uk-based participants recruited from... -
NELLS wave 1 and wave 2 data with linked alter information for the CDN
This dataset was constructed based on waves 1 and 2 of the NELLS panel. The NELLS survey contained ego-network questions in both waves. These questions asked respondents to list... -
European Sustainable Workforce Survey - Wave 2
A sustainable European workforce has become increasingly relevant in our present day and age. Flexibility and job insecurity are omnipresent; organizational workforces are...