Pieta van Beek, Schurmanniana-reeks 1-5
Bundel van vijf studies over Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678) door Pieta van Beek, de gehele Schurmanniana-reeks 1-5: ‘Over God’ (1), ‘Uw lieftallige brief’ (2), ‘Verslonden... -
Tafel-Vbis: Summary of all death duties in the Netherlands in 1921
This database is a transcription of the original Tafel-Vbis source for the year 1921. Tafel V-bis is the name of a specific ledger in the Dutch inheritance tax administration... -
Corporate network data - Portugal
This dataset covers the composition of the boards of the 125 largest Portuegese firms (by assets) in several benchmark years. These years reflect the different contexts faced by... -
Book prices and sizes in Europe, 1275-1450
The dataset 'Book prices in Europe 1275-1450' originaly forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been dowloaded from the Centre of Global Economics website... -
Bibliography of the Utrecht Psalter
Bibliography of publications about the Utrecht Psalter up to 2019 -
Kees Smit, De collecties van Cornelis Booth en Aernout van Buchell in de bi...
Inventaris van de collecties van Cornelis Booth (1605-1678) en Aernout van Buchell (Buchelius; 1565-1641) in de bibliotheek van de Hoge Raad van Adel in Den Haag. Het gaat...