Reviewed publications 'The living lab as a methodology for public administrat...
This document provides a full list of 84 publications that were included in a systematic literature review of applications of the living lab methodology in the social sciences.... -
Organisaties, veroudering en management
Dataset met gegevens van werkgevers over veroudering en oudere werknemers. De data zijn verzameld in het kader van het onderzoek Organisaties, Veroudering en Management (Remery... -
Typology of concord
Raw typological data, acquired by Sterre Leufkens in the context of research into redundancy. -
Stimulus set, data, and analysis scripts for the experiment reported in Mulders (2021), 'Are Dutch posture verbs lexical or functional elements?' Linguistics in the Netherlands... -
Verbal Diminutives - Appendix
Excel file with information on language sample used for paper 'Mall events. Verbal diminutives in the language of the world' (Audring, Leufkens, Van Lier, to appear) + rtf-file... -
In-situ and optical profilometry data for single-shot ablation experiment on ...
This folder contains in-situ camera images (acquired on 20210729) taken during an experiment on single-shot laser ablation on crystalline silicon and corresponding optical... -
Presupposition, Admittance and Karttunen Calculus
This paper describes the logical properties of various systems dealing with presuppositions in natural language. It is an extended version, May 2021, of a paper that is to... -
Reciprocity MTH study
This dataset is the result of research in which we studied the effects of verb concepts on the interpretation of reciprocal expressions in Dutch and Hebrew. More about the... -
Polarization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Photons in a Dye-Filled Microca...
In this work, we present the data and analysis that were used to prepare the manuscript with the title "Polarization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Photons in a Dye-Filled... -
Analysis of measurements to calibrate pulse energy for main ablation experiment
This folder contains the analysis used to calibrate the pulse energy (as measured using the auxiliary camera in the setup) with respect to a TD10XP thermopile sensor mounted in... -
Metadata for Interview Questions, Observation Scheme and Materials Analysis
This folder contains three files that are all related to a mixed-methods study on current reading comprehension instruction in the Netherlands: Interview Questions Observation... -
Extended syntax for 'Cooperation between newcomers and incumbents: The role o...
This dataset contains an extended version of the syntax that was originally uploaded in the dataset: 'Cooperation between newcomers and incumbents: The role of normative... -
Ocean Surface Connectivity in the Arctic: Capabilities and caveats of communi...
In- and output-data for the experiments in the manuscript "Ocean Surface Connectivity in the Arctic", as well as a snapshot of the Github repository related to this research... -
A highly automated apparatus for ultra-fast laser ablation studies: figures a...
This folder contains the analysis code to produce the figures that were used to prepare the manuscript with the title "A highly automated apparatus for ultra-fast laser ablation... -
Attribution of Plastic Sources Using Bayesian Inference: Application to River...
Data from "Attribution of Plastic Sources Using Bayesian Inference: Application to River-Sourced Floating Plastic in the South Atlantic Ocean." The data consists of: -... -
The impact of verbal insults
The archive contains the following folders and content: Raw data EEG GSR: raw bdf data; Raw data behavioral: Presentation logfiles; Procedure: all forms used in the project;... -
Reading about us and them: Moral and but not minimal group effects on langua...
This folder contains all information regarding the experimental set-up, data, analysis, and publication of the experiment of Refining the Multiple‐Drivers Model: Minimal groups... -
Quality of Life
QUALITY is an innovative quantitative and qualitative research project that has examined how, in an era of major change, European citizens and workers living in different... -
Beam shape modification due to the non-linear optical response in a dense rub...
In this work, we present the data and an implementation of the theoretical model that were used to prepare the manuscript with the title "Beam shape modification due to the... -
Density Distribution of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Photons in a Dye-Filled...
In this work, we present the data and an implementation of the theoretical model that were used to prepare the manuscript with the title "Density Distribution of a Bose-Einstein...