Corporate network data - Germany

This data set consists of samples of the largest German firms for the years 1896, 1914, 1928, 1933, 1938, 1992 and 2010 (for sources see the sources and methods file). Sample size for each year: 1896: N= 211 1914: N= 346 1928: N= 377 1933: N= 405 1938: N= 363 1992: N= 614 2010: N= 252 For the years 1914, 1928, 1933, 1938 and 1992 a standardized firm sample of size N=250 has been selected. Firms have been sorted according to the size of their share capital. 1896 has been chosen as the first sample year. 1896 is the first year for which complete data for the largest public German corporations are available (Publisher: Hoppenstedt). For the year 1896, it was not possible to collect a sample of 250 firms because of the small size of many German firms. The names and titles (education, nobility, etc.) of all members of the management and supervisory board are derived from various handbooks and other sources (see the sources and methods file).

Also part of this data set are samples of the largest US-firms for the years 1900, 1914, 1928, 1938, 1992 (for sources see the sources and methods file). Sample size for each year: 1900: N= 250 1914: N= 242 1928: N= 369 1938: N= 408 1992: N= 500 For the years 1928, 1938 and 1992 a standardized firm sample of size N=250 has been selected. Firms have been sorted according to the size of their share capital. Information about the members of Board of Directors are derived from various sources (see the sources and methods file).

Additional Info

Creator(s) Paul Windolf
Access type Open Access
Collections Corporate Networks Data
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2019