Time Competition - pseudonymized

The research program aims to test a new explanations for the growing tension between the competing time claims from the spheres of paid work and the household. This new explanation starts out from the changing governance structures in contemporary, flexible firms. In a second step, the governance structures of households are added to the explanation, because they codetermine the ways in which rival time-claims are accomodated. The fieldwork has been done by Survey Data, Netherlands. The survey was based on a combination of personal interviews and written questionnaires. The dataset is a multi-actor dataset: not only the employers but also the employees and their partners have been interviewed. The dataset consists of information of 30 organizations, 90 function groups, and 1114 respondents, with their partner (if any). A more detailed description of the background of this study, the survey instruments and interview procedures, the design and response, the file structure, variables and research topics, can be found in the codebook that is part of this datapackage.

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-9NRS62
Creator(s) Tanja van der Lippe
Access type Restricted Access
Collections Time Competition Survey
Funder references
Language nl
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2018