Chapter 3: Digital Data Supplements subsurface dataset Rhine-Meuse delta in the Netherlands

Based on knowledge of the geological development of the Rhine-Meuse delta, we hypothesizes how changing boundary conditions (i.e. changes in upstream sediment supply, confinement of floodwaters, channel-belt lifespan) may have affected the properties of proximal natural levee deposits throughout the fluvially-dominated part of the Rhine-Meuse delta. We then used these spatial divisions in an analysis of digital borehole data (>130.000 locations, UU-LLG dataset), to provide quantitative information of both architectural (i.e. thickness, sharpness of transition with channel deposits underneath) and lithological (i.e. composition, vertical trends within and across the lithological transition to eventual sandy deposits at depth) properties of these natural levee deposits. Worksheets presented here contain data presented in this study.

The data is provided in 2 spreadsheet files in csv format. Detailed information about these files as well as information on how the data is processed is given in the explanatory file README_Chapter_3.txt. Contact person is Tim Winkels -

Additional Info

Creator(s) Timotheus Gerardus Winkels
Access type Open Access
Collections Tim Winkels
Funder references NWO-TTW (14502)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2023