Core photographs of the Rotliegend reservoir of the Groningen gas field and surrounding areas [updated]

The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe and has been showing seismicity since the 1990s. The ~200 meter thick gas reservoir is situated at ~3 km depth, and comprises sandstone from the Slochteren Formation which is part of the Permian age Upper Rotliegend Group. The reservoir has been cored extensively by the field operator, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM). This dataset constitutes photographs of core slabs (core-parallel slices) taken from the reservoir intervals of 67 cored wells in the Groningen field and surrounding areas. It allows for detailed inspection of sedimentological features of the Rotliegend reservoir of the Groningen Field. This dataset includes a web-based Core Image viewing tool developed in-house by NAM. However the base software used in this tool is dated, which makes it difficult to use. Therefore, a new data publication has been prepared without the core viewing tool, but including the core photos themselves, which can be found here; These are provided by NAM, open access.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Clemens A. Visser; Karel Bokhorst
Access type Closed Access
Collections NAM Scientific Research
Funder references
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2022