Polarization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Photons in a Dye-Filled Microcavity: Code and Data

In this work, we present the data and analysis that were used to prepare the manuscript with the title "Polarization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Photons in a Dye-Filled Microcavity" by S. Greveling, F. van der Laan, H. C. Jagers, and D. van Oosten. The folder 'Analysis' contain all the Python scripts used to determine the polarization of our photon gas for each corresponding dataset. The (relative) paths used in these scripts can be used as a guide through the analysis and the dataset.

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-UP97EC
Access type Open Access
Funder references
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2018