Supplementary data to: Presence of nanoplastics in rural and remote surface waters

This is the repository of the supplementary, data and it contains: 1. Raw .h5 data files as original output of TD-PTR-MS for Swedish measurements; 2. Raw .h5 data files as original output of TD-PTR-MS for Siberian measurements; 3. PTRwid version of software we used for mass spectra and molar ratio extraction; 4. Data analysis of mass spectra: subtraction and limit of detection calculation for Swedish measurements; 5. Data analysis of mass spectra: subtraction and limit of detection calculation for Siberian measurements; 6. Final mass spectra for all the experiment that are used for nanoplastics fingerprinting; 7. Nanoplastics Fingerprint scripts used for the experiments; All “massLibr” files contain the mass spectra of virgin plastics with molar ratio (ppb) value for each ion detected in the plastics vapours (3 decimal point precision of m/z). The script files were written in PYTHON (compatible with PYTHON 2 and 3 - all versions). “” is used for formatting the data into the matrix acceptable for the fingerprinting script. “” and “” are supporting classes used for the main scripts. is a main script used for comparing a sample mass spectrum to the one from the plastics library (e.g. for PET use “massLibrPET.csv”). is a main script used for comparing all the samples with all the plastics from the library (“massLibr” files). 8. Nanoplastics Fingerprint scores for Sweden site; These are the outputs from the script “” for each plastics type and contain the parameters used for running the script. 9. Nanoplastics Fingerprint scores for Siberian site; 10. HYSPLIT trajectory frequencies for Sweden site (monthly, up to one year prior to the sampling); 11. HYSPLIT trajectory frequencies for Siberian site (monthly, up to one year prior to the sampling). 12. HYSPLIT Dispersion model simulations for Siberian and Sweden site.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Dusan Materic
Access type Open Access
Collections Dusan Materic
Funder references NWO (OCENW.XS.066); NWO (024.002.001); NWO (OCENW.XS2.078)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.1
Year of publication 2022