Hydrodynamic stability criterion for colloidal gelation under gravity

Data package accompanying the publication with the above title in Physical Review E [to be filled in]. This package provides all the relevant information, scripts, and source codes for numerically studying colloidal gel formation with a buoyant force using a lattice-Boltzmann algorithm. The advantage is a GPU-compatible simulation, which is efficient in computing the long-range many-body hydrodynamic interactions and porous medium flows disrupting the nascent gel network. The downside of the approach is a limited quality of the near-field hydrodynamic description. Within this approximation, a dynamic stability criterion can be established for the transient regime of network formation. The accompanying publication provides the full details.

In brief, this package contains the data required to reproduce the graphs for the simulations, as well as the simulation source code and analysis scripts required to process the raw simulation output. In each directory there are readme.txt files that describe the content and use of the elements contained therein, e.g., how to run various script to obtain the raw simulation data. This is a mix of C++ codes, Python analysis routines, GNUPlot scripts, Mathematica notebooks, and text files containing data in a column-wise (ASCII) format.

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-Z9XKDO
Creator(s) Joost de Graaf
Access type Open Access
Funder references EPSRC Programme Grant (EP/J007404/1); Marie Sklodowska-Curie Intra European Fellowship (654916); NWO (OCENW.KLEIN.354); International Fine Particles Research Institute (Grant for Wilson C.K. Poon)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1
Year of publication 2023