Kees Smit (ed.), Arnoldus Buchelius, Commentarius (Diarium), deel I en II.
Transcriptie met inleiding en annotaties van Arnoldus Buchelius, Diarium (Commentarius rerum quotidianarum …), in Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs. 798 (deel I en II). Het... -
Levenstandaard 2018
The research is about the assessment of living standards: When does someone think that a household is poor or rich? In the context of this study, a questionnaire, partly... -
Arnoldus Buchelius, Dagboek van het Utrechtse tuchthuis 1623-1633
Transcriptie en hertaling met inleiding en commentaar door Kees Smit en Gisela Gerritsen-Geywitzvan van Het Utrechts Archief, Archieven van het Stadsbestuur van Utrecht... -
Computing and visualizing the Qur’an’s footprint in fifty-five works of Islam...
A collection of Qur'an citations discovered in the works of fifty-five jurists, segmented according to the chapter (sūrah) number of the Qur'an. Each segmented file contains a... -
Computing and visualizing the Qur’an’s footprint in fifty-five works of Islam...
A collection of Qur'an citations discovered in the works of fifty-five jurists, segmented according to the chapter (sūrah) number of the Qur'an. Each segmented file contains a...