Data carsharing companies Germany
Data on all carsharing companies in Germany. Data on the numbers of car and the geographical reach. Data on the companies (founding year, owners, partners, profit structure).... -
Annual regional related and unrelated variety indicators for the years 2006-2014
Database with indicators of related and unrelated variety, at regional NUTS-2 levels across Europe. Measured each year for the period 2006-2014. Unrelated variety is measured at... -
Levenstandaard 2018
The research is about the assessment of living standards: When does someone think that a household is poor or rich? In the context of this study, a questionnaire, partly... -
Implementing punishment and reward in the public goods game: the effect of i...
This data set contains the results of a laboratory experiment within the framework of Public Good Games. Subjects played Public Goods Games with opportunities for punishment or... -
Cooperation between newcomers and incumbents: The role of normative disagreem...
Cooperation in groups often requires individual members to make costly contributions that benefit the group as a whole. Prior research suggests that shared norms can help to... -
Carsharing supply in Western European cities
Database contains carsharing supply data on all cities larger than 150,000 inhabitants in 5 European countries (UK, France, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands). Contains data on... -
History of Dutch Shell
Understanding oil is essential for understanding modern history. The 20th century has rightly been called the century of oil, and the beginning of the 21st century suggests that...