Credit transactions by aldermen and notaries in the Low Countries
This database was compiled as part the EURYI/VIDI research project ‘The Evolution of Financial Markets in Pre-Industrial Europe (1500-1800): A Comparative Analysis’, led by... -
Credit transactions by aldermen and notaries in the Low Countries (Revised 2019)
This database was compiled as part the EURYI/VIDI research project ‘The Evolution of Financial Markets in Pre-Industrial Europe (1500-1800): A Comparative Analysis’, led by... -
Corporate network data - The Netherlands
This dataset covers 10 benchmark years in the period 1903– 2008. For each year, we picked the top 100 exchange-listed Dutch firms and the top 25 listed and non-listed banks... -
Corporate network data - USA
Our dataset integrates several of the leading research projects on corporate networks in the postwar United States. The data from the 1960s were derived from the Mathematical... -
Corporate network data - Switserland
To create this dataset we used a sample of the 100 largest Swiss companies for eight benchmark years in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (1910, 1929, 1937, 1957, 1980,... -
Book production in the world 1500 - 2010
The dataset 'Book production in the world 1500 - 2010' originaly forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been dowloaded from the Centre of Global Economics... -
Book production in Europe 1450 - 1800
The dataset 'Book production in Europe 1454 - 1800' originaly forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been dowloaded from the Centre of Global Economics... -
Arnoldus Buchelius, Index librorum in quibus inscriptiones antiquae vel exhib...
Transcriptie en editie van Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs. 1682, waarin Aernout van Buchell (1565-1641) een lijst geeft van 180 boeken waarin klassieke inscripties worden... -
Reconstruction National Accounts of Holland, 1500-1800
The aim of this project is to analyse the economic development of Holland in the early modern period on the basis of a reconstruction of its national accounts. It has been one... -
Corporate network data - Italy
The source we used in this work for the benchmark years from 1913 to 1983 is Notizie statistiche sulle principali società italiane per azioni, edited by the Associazione fra le... -
Corporate network data - Finland
We collected information on the CEOs and boards of directors of 100 of the largest companies in Finland for specific benchmark years: namely, 1912, 1927, 1938, 1974, 1984, 1994... -
Corporate network data - Austria
This dataset contains data on the top 10 central firms, the top 10 big linkers and the corresponding network indicators in Austria for the years 1937, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1983,... -
Corporate network data - Argentina
To create this dataset we collected information of the 100 largest non-financial corporations, according to their share capital at four benchmark years (1923, 1937, 1944, and... -
Kees Smit (ed.), Arnoldus Buchelius, Observationes ecclesiasticae & Ecclesias...
Transcriptie met inleiding en annotaties van Arnoldus Buchelius, Observationes ecclesiasticae & Ecclesiastica Ultraiectina, in Leeuwarden, Tresoar, Hs. EVC 3373B, en... -
Economic Growth in the Cape Colony
The dataset 'Economic Growth in the Cape Colony' was downloaded from the Centre for Global Economic History website, of Utrecht University... -
Corporate network data - UK
The dataset contains data on the composition of the boards of directors (BoD) of the 250 largest UK companies by net assets for nine benchmark years between 1904 and 2010 (1904,... -
Javanese Rice Prices 1823-2006
The dataset in this datapackage was constructed for the 'Indonesian Economic History' project, which has been a concerted effort of several researchers at different universities... -
Indonesian Military Height Data
This height data set, constructed from Indonesian military data, Indonesia Family Life Surveys (IFLS) and a sample of Europeans born in Indonesia who joined the Royal Dutch... -
Evina Steinová, A fragment of a ninth-century liturgical book in the holdings...
Transcription of a manuscript fragment of a ninth-century sacramentary bound in Ms. 163 from the library of Saint Paul's Abbey in Utrecht -
Corporate network data - Japan
To create this dataset we collected the directorship data of the 200 largest nonfinancial firms and the 50 largest financial firms, in terms of total assets, for the years 1911,...