Data supplement to "The dynamics of CO2-driven granular flows in gullies on Mars"

The data presented in this package stems from two sets of experiments with CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric conditions. These experiments were conducted two Mars chambers (Mars Chamber at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK and the Aarhus Mars Simulation Wind Tunnel at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark). The experiments simulate the CO2-driven granular flow under Martian atmospheric conditions on two different scales.

The data includes digital elevation models of the outflows of these CO2-driven flows and it includes raw sensor data from numerous sensors in and around the flume.

The data presented and described here is a supplement to the following submitted manuscript: Roelofs, L., Conway, S.J., van Dam, B., van Eijk, A., Merrison, J.P., Iversen, J.J., Sylvest, M., Patel, M.R., van Maarseveen, M., McElwaine, J., Kleinhans, M.G., de Haas, T. (2024). The dynamics of CO2-driven granular flows in gullies on Mars.

The data is provided in two subfolders. Detailed information about the files in these subfolders as well as information on how the data is processed is given in the explanatory file ReadMe_Yoda_DYNAMICSOFCO2DRIVENGRANULARFLOWS.txt. Contact person is: Lonneke Roelofs -

Additional Info

Creator(s) Lonneke Roelofs
Access type Open Access
Collections The dynamics of CO2-driven granular flows in gullies on Mars
Funder references EUROPLANET (20-EPN-023); NWO (OCENW.KLEIN.495); UK Space Agency (ST/X006549/1); EUROPLANET (20-EPN-015)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2024