Data supplementary to "Complementing scale experiments of rivers and estuaries with numerically modelled hydrodynamics"

This data set contains supplementary material and the raw data for the Esurf paper Weisscher et al (2020). The supplementary material includes four supplementary figures to the paper and a movie for visual comparison between measured and modelled flow. In addition, there is a supplementary manual that explains how to remodel the hydrodynamics of scale experiments (i.e., the iRIC manual).

The raw data of the meandering and braided river scale experiments was collected by Van Dijk et al (2013a). The raw data include for each river type both a DEM file (CSV format) and a .mat data file for that contains the measured and analysed data as presented in Van Dijk et al (2013a). Consult the iRIC manual on how to use the CSV files to remodel the results in Weisscher et al (2020).

The raw data of the estuary scale experiments was collected by Leuven et al (2018). The raw data include a DEM file (CSV format), a hydrograph file (CSV format), and a .mat data file that contains the flow velocity components in the x and y direction for 16 equally spaced moments over 1 tidal cycle. Consult the iRIC manual and the online manuals on on how to upload the CSV files in the iRIC environment to remodel the results as presented in Weisscher et al (2020). Finally, the raw data also contains 16 images in the Lab colour space (at equal phases as the flow velocity component measurements). The blueness in these images is indicative of water depth. Consult Leuven et al (2018) and Weisscher et al (2020) to estimate water depths from these blueness values.

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Additional Info

Creator(s) Steven Alexander Hubertus Weisscher
Access type Open Access
Funder references Dutch Technology Foundations STW grant Vici (016.140.316/13710); ERC Consolidator grant (647570)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1
Year of publication 2020