Structuring Colloidal Gels via Micro-Bubble Oscillations

Data package accompanying the publication with the above title in Soft Matter [10.1039/D2SM01450E]. This package provides all the relevant information, scripts, and source codes for numerically studying the dynamics in a colloidal gel near an oscillating micro-bubble, using Brownian Dynamics. These simulations were used to determine a state diagram for the structure surrounding the bubble. The accompanying publication provides the full details.

In brief, this package contains the data required to reproduce the graphs for the simulations, as well as the simulation source code and analysis scripts required to process the raw simulation output. In each directory there are readme.txt files that describe the content and use of the elements contained therein, e.g., how to run various script to obtain the raw simulation data. This is a mix of C codes, Python analysis and plotting routines, and text files containing data in a column-wise (ASCII) format.

Additional Info

Creator(s) Kim William Torre
Access type Open Access
Funder references NWO (OCENW.KLEIN.354)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2023