µCT data for "A new method for determining fluid flux at high pressures applied to the dehydration of serpentinites"

Dehydration of serpentine within a subduction zone setting causes the formation of pore space. The porosity and connectivity of the pores is important for fluid flux through these rocks. The pore space preserved within two recovered high-pressure and high-temperature multi-anvil samples was measured using µCT-scans at the BL20XU experimental hutch 2 of the SPring-8 synchrotron facility. The 3D images were obtained using X-rays with energy of 30 keV and by rotating the sample through 180° in steps of 0.1° (1800 projections) and an exposure time of 60 msec. The voxel size of the 3D images is 0.46 × 0.46 × 0.46 µm. This repository contains sliced µCT-scan images (tif-format) for the two experiments (ES367 and V1167). Scans for each experiment are stored in separate folders. Continuous numbers for images are from data acquisition. Scans start and end in the sample, i.e. the subset used for pore space analyses does not include first and last scans because of air above and below the sample. Contact person: Lisa Eberhard - l.eberhard@uu.nl

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-PB440D
Creator(s) Lisa Eberhard
Access type Open Access
Collections A new method for determining fluid flux at high pressures applied to the dehydration of serpentinites
Funder references DFG (GRK2156/1 and FR1555/11); JASRI (2018A1471 and 2019B1785)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1.0
Year of publication 2022