Micro Computational Tomography, Acoustic Emission and rock temperature data from frost weathering tests on Dachstein Limestone

We tested the efficacy of frequent diurnal freeze-thaw cycles (FT-1) and sustained freezing cycles (FT-2) on low-porosity Dachstein limestone (0.1 % porosity). For FT-1, we exposed three rock samples with different saturation regimes (30%, 70%, 100%) to 20 freeze-thaw cycles between 10 and -10°C while monitoring rock temperature and acoustic emission (AE). We scanned the rock samples using micro computational tomography (CT) before the first cycle, after 5, 10, 15 and 20 cycles. For FT-2, we exposed three rock samples with different saturation regimes (30%, 70%, 100%) to one sustained freezing cycle with 66 h freezing at -10°C while monitoring rock temperature and AE. We scanned the rock samples using micro CT before the first cycle and after the end of the experiment. The data set comprises all micro CT scans, rock temperature and AE data.

Additional Info

Source http://doi.org/10.24416/UU01-Q5K96Z
Creator(s) Daniel Draebing
Access type Open Access
Collections Characterizing Rockwall Weathering from Microclimate, Rock Moisture and Rockfall Acitvity
Funder references European Union’s Horizon 2020 Excite grants (EXCITE_TNA_C2_2022_004); German Research Foundation (DFG) (426793773); European Union’s Horizon 2020 Excite grants (EXCITE_TNA_C1_2022_06)
Language en
Publisher Utrecht University
Version 1
Year of publication 2023