Corporate network data - France
According to the general principles defined by Thomas David and Gerharda Westerhuis in order to insure comparability between countries, we have selected the ca. 50 biggest... -
Reflexive and Reciprocals in Spanish and Catalan
This dataset is the result of the research master thesis in which we studied reflexivity and reciprocity in Spanish and Catalan. The first part of this thesis focus on the... -
Model output for the paper "Reconciling the conflicting extent of overriding ...
This repository contains the relevant data (part of numerical model output) used to plot the figures in the main body of the manuscript mentioned in the title, authored by Mario... -
Cornelis Booth, Catalogus der handschriften van Aernout van Buchell
Beschrijving, discussie en transcriptie van Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Hs. 1831 door Bart Jaski en Kees Smit. Hs. 1831 bevat een korte lijst met handschriften van... -
Reading about us and them: Moral and but not minimal group effects on langua...
This folder contains the updated version of a previously archived package with DOI: 10.24416/UU01-2SO9TE . It contains all information regarding the experimental set-up, data,... -
Competitive Exclusion Prevents Colonization and Compartmentalization Reduces ...
Dataset was created for transmission experiment of ESBL producing E. coli transmission in broilers under semi-field conditions incl. interventions. Publishing the data is a part... -
Cost of Basic Needs based Global Poverty estimates, 1983-2014
This dataset provides global poverty estimates using the method of cost of basic needs, covering the period 1983-2014, as have been calculated for the "Global Absolute Poverty:... -
Dataset - Reciprocal relations between symptoms of complicated grief, depress...
Abstract Objective: Involuntary job loss can lead to symptoms of complicated grief (CG), depression, and anxiety. Information about the temporal linkage between these symptoms... -
Partner-specific Behavior in Social Networks: Coordination among Actors with ...
These data were gathered to study coordination games in which individuals have conflicting preferences. We propose the actors’ ability to vary behavior when interacting with... -
Attribution of River-Sourced Floating Plastic in the South Atlantic Ocean Usi...
Data from "Attribution of River-Sourced Floating Plastic in the South Atlantic Ocean Using Bayesian Inference". The data consists of: - Lagrangian simulation used for analysis.... -
Estimates of the urbanisation process in Europe 800 - 1500
The dataset 'Estimates of the urbanisation process in Europe 800 - 1500' originally forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been downloaded from the Centre of... -
Book production in Holland 1470-1800
The dataset 'Book production in Holland 1470 - 1800' consists of an excel file with two sheets. The first sheet contains estimates on the book production in Holland, as well as... -
Pieta van Beek, Schurmanniana-reeks 1-5
Bundel van vijf studies over Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678) door Pieta van Beek, de gehele Schurmanniana-reeks 1-5: ‘Over God’ (1), ‘Uw lieftallige brief’ (2), ‘Verslonden... -
Gender differences in academic and research integrity
This data was collected as part of a study on gender differences in academic and research integrity. The dataset contains data on gender and on attitudes, suspecting and... -
Tafel-Vbis: Summary of all death duties in the Netherlands in 1921
This database is a transcription of the original Tafel-Vbis source for the year 1921. Tafel V-bis is the name of a specific ledger in the Dutch inheritance tax administration... -
Corporate network data - Portugal
This dataset covers the composition of the boards of the 125 largest Portuegese firms (by assets) in several benchmark years. These years reflect the different contexts faced by... -
Rotary Shear Experiments on Glass Bead Aggregates
Constant sliding velocity (i.e. rate of rotation) friction experiments on mm-thick layers of glass beads, under room temperature and humidity conditions. Stick-slip in sheared... -
Testosterone Administration and Strategic Gambling in Poker Play
Testosterone has been associated with economically egoistic and materialistic behaviors, but -defensibly driven by reputable status seeking- also with economically fair,... -
Book prices and sizes in Europe, 1275-1450
The dataset 'Book prices in Europe 1275-1450' originaly forms part of the collection of Bibliometrics, which has been dowloaded from the Centre of Global Economics website... -
Kees Smit, De collecties van Cornelis Booth en Aernout van Buchell in de bi...
Inventaris van de collecties van Cornelis Booth (1605-1678) en Aernout van Buchell (Buchelius; 1565-1641) in de bibliotheek van de Hoge Raad van Adel in Den Haag. Het gaat...