Trust in Embedded Settings: Third-Party Effects
This laboratory experiment was designed to disentangle effects of various types of information stemming from dyadic and network embeddedness. More precisely, this experiment... -
Corporate network data - The Netherlands
This dataset covers 10 benchmark years in the period 1903– 2008. For each year, we picked the top 100 exchange-listed Dutch firms and the top 25 listed and non-listed banks... -
Corporate network data - USA
Our dataset integrates several of the leading research projects on corporate networks in the postwar United States. The data from the 1960s were derived from the Mathematical... -
Corporate network data - Switserland
To create this dataset we used a sample of the 100 largest Swiss companies for eight benchmark years in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (1910, 1929, 1937, 1957, 1980,... -
Corporate network data - Italy
The source we used in this work for the benchmark years from 1913 to 1983 is Notizie statistiche sulle principali società italiane per azioni, edited by the Associazione fra le... -
Trust in triads: An experimental study
Pairs of trustors play finitely repeated Trust Games with the same trustee in a laboratory experiment. We study trustfulness of the trustor and trustworthiness of the trustee. We... -
Corporate network data - Finland
We collected information on the CEOs and boards of directors of 100 of the largest companies in Finland for specific benchmark years: namely, 1912, 1927, 1938, 1974, 1984, 1994... -
Network entrepreneurial personality, network constraint and social learning: ...
These data where gathered to study causal assumptions of Burt’s social network theory. The first assumption that was studied is the assumption that actors with stronger network... -
Corporate network data - Austria
This dataset contains data on the top 10 central firms, the top 10 big linkers and the corresponding network indicators in Austria for the years 1937, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1983,... -
Corporate network data - Argentina
To create this dataset we collected information of the 100 largest non-financial corporations, according to their share capital at four benchmark years (1923, 1937, 1944, and... -
Endogenous Peer Punishment Institutions in Prisoner's Dilemmas: The Role of N...
These data were gathered to study six-person Prisoner’s Dilemmas (PDs) in which subjects endogenously decide whether to implement a peer punishment institution in their group... -
Corporate network data - Japan
To create this dataset we collected the directorship data of the 200 largest nonfinancial firms and the 50 largest financial firms, in terms of total assets, for the years 1911,... -
Corporate network data - Germany
This data set consists of samples of the largest German firms for the years 1896, 1914, 1928, 1933, 1938, 1992 and 2010 (for sources see the sources and methods file). Sample... -
Testosterone, Social Environment and Trust
In this experiment we systematically vary the characteristics of the social environment and show that, depending on prenatal sex hormone priming, testosterone administration in... -
An Experiment on the Effects of Embeddedness in Trust Situations
This vignette experiment was designed to study the effects of temporal embeddedness and network embeddedness in trust situations. The experiment uses a setting in which a buyer... -
Transaction Management in Purchasing Transactions: A Vignette Experiment
Purchase managers of Dutch companies are asked to answer questions about hypothetical transactions. The description of the transactions incorporates information about... -
Corporate network data - Taiwan
The data is collected by including all major active Taiwanese firms in pre-war colonial period, and all listed companies in post-war period for totally eight time points since... -
Consensual punishment does not promote cooperation in the six-person prisoner...
We study the effects of different punishment institutions on cooperation in a six-person prisoner’s dilemma game in which actors observe others’ cooperation with some noise... -
Corporate network data - France
According to the general principles defined by Thomas David and Gerharda Westerhuis in order to insure comparability between countries, we have selected the ca. 50 biggest... -
Cost of Basic Needs based Global Poverty estimates, 1983-2014
This dataset provides global poverty estimates using the method of cost of basic needs, covering the period 1983-2014, as have been calculated for the "Global Absolute Poverty:...