Typology of concord
Raw typological data, acquired by Sterre Leufkens in the context of research into redundancy. -
Stimulus set, data, and analysis scripts for the experiment reported in Mulders (2021), 'Are Dutch posture verbs lexical or functional elements?' Linguistics in the Netherlands... -
Verbal Diminutives - Appendix
Excel file with information on language sample used for paper 'Mall events. Verbal diminutives in the language of the world' (Audring, Leufkens, Van Lier, to appear) + rtf-file... -
Presupposition, Admittance and Karttunen Calculus
This paper describes the logical properties of various systems dealing with presuppositions in natural language. It is an extended version, May 2021, of a paper that is to... -
Reciprocity MTH study
This dataset is the result of research in which we studied the effects of verb concepts on the interpretation of reciprocal expressions in Dutch and Hebrew. More about the... -
Metadata for Interview Questions, Observation Scheme and Materials Analysis
This folder contains three files that are all related to a mixed-methods study on current reading comprehension instruction in the Netherlands: Interview Questions Observation... -
The impact of verbal insults
The archive contains the following folders and content: Raw data EEG GSR: raw bdf data; Raw data behavioral: Presentation logfiles; Procedure: all forms used in the project;... -
Reading about us and them: Moral and but not minimal group effects on langua...
This folder contains all information regarding the experimental set-up, data, analysis, and publication of the experiment of Refining the Multiple‐Drivers Model: Minimal groups... -
Reading about us and them: Moral and but not minimal group effects on langua...
This folder contains the updated version of a previously archived package with DOI: 10.24416/UU01-2SO9TE . It contains all information regarding the experimental set-up, data,... -
Rhythmic regularity, Experiment 4, NL version
Scripts for analysis and processing of speech files, in order to create stimuli for experiments studying the effects of rhythmic regularity on speech processing. Scripts require...