Futurestreams dataset
Repository of discharge and water temperature scenarios derived from 5 CMIP5 GCMs from the ISI-MIP project computed by the global water balance model PCRGLOBWB and the global... -
M-Tool data analysis script
This R-script provides M-Tool users with a starting point for their data analysis. The script uses the edge list produced by M-Tool and transforms these into centrality... -
M-Tool data analysis script
This R-script provides M-Tool users with a starting point for their data analysis. The script uses the edge list produced by M-Tool and transforms these into total number of... -
Data supplement to "How debris-flow composition affects bed erosion quantity ...
Data was generated for 98 debris flow erosion experiments in a 5.4 m long flume with an erodible loosely packed sediment bed. In the 98 experiments the bed conditions were kept... -
Output of model simulations used for publication "South Asian agriculture inc...
Output of model simulations used for publication "South Asian agriculture increasingly dependent on meltwater and groundwater", published in Nature Climate Change in 2022.... -
Core photographs of the Rotliegend reservoir of the Groningen gas field and s...
The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe and has been showing seismicity since the 1990s. The ~200 meter thick gas reservoir is situated at ~3 km depth, and... -
Kaarten behorend bij "Wat wil de delta?"
Neogeografische kaarten van het Nederlandse laagland in een toekomst met zeespiegelstijging: Om meer inzicht te krijgen in hoe de Nederlandse delta zich van nature zou kunnen... -
Data supplement to "Effects of sea-level rise on dredging and dredged estuary...
Data was generated for four experimental, sandy estuaries in the 20m long Metronome tidal flume ( The initial conditions were the same but the... -
Geomechanical, seismological, and geodetic data pertaining to the Groningen g...
The operator of the Groningen gas field, the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) has been developing and refining a seismic hazard and risk model as part of the response to... -
Data supplement to the GLOBGM v1.0: a parallel implementation of a 30 arcsec ...
The GLOBGM is the PCR-GLOBWB MODFLOW global-scale Groundwater Model at 30 arcsecond spatial resolution (~ 1km at the equator) that makes usage of high performance computing. The... -
Core photographs of the Rotliegend reservoir of the Groningen gas field and s...
The Groningen gas field is the largest gas field in Europe and has been showing seismicity since the 1990s. The ~200 meter deep gas reservoir is situated at ~3 km depth, and... -
Replication Data for: Modeling the Distribution of Iron-oxides in Basalt by c...
This Dataset contains all data (and more!) required to replicate the results presented in the manuscript. All data processing is carried out in jupyter notebooks... -
Data from: Restoring organic matter, carbon and nutrient accumulation in degr...
This datafile is part of a study that shows how the implementation of a new and sustainable land use on rewetted peatlands with production of biomass (Sphagnum paludiculture)... -
HYPFLOWSCI6: HYdrological Projection of Future gLObal Water States with CMIP6
The datapackage HYPFLOWSCI6 (HYdrological Projection of Future gLObal Water States with CMIP6) contains a simulation dataset of global hydrology and water resource conditions... -
Data accompanying the paper entitled: "The Frictional Strength and Stability ...
We performed friction experiments on simulated gouges derived from the Ten Boer claystone and Slochteren sandstone members in the Groningen stratigraphy to test the effects of... -
Chapter 3: Digital Data Supplements subsurface dataset Rhine-Meuse delta in t...
Based on knowledge of the geological development of the Rhine-Meuse delta, we hypothesizes how changing boundary conditions (i.e. changes in upstream sediment supply,... -
Chapter 4: Digital Data Supplements Rhine-Meuse delta in the Netherlands
In the unconstrained, low gradient setting of major delta plains, individual meander belts tend to function for relatively short periods of time due to repeated channel... -
History Database of the Global Environment 3.3
This database presents an update and expansion of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, v 3.3) and replaces former HYDE 3.2 version from 2017. HYDE is and... -
Dataset of synthetic and real data assimilation experiments for interseismic ...
This dataset contains the input and output files of the synthetic and real data assimilation experiments for interseismic deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki... -
PCR-GLOBWB community reference output - 4dHydro working package 2 [updated]
4dHydro working package 2 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community reference outputs. The community reference outputs are a set of... -
The data contain information on Kickstarter projects in the US by industry-location and year. -
Micro Computational Tomography, Acoustic Emission and rock temperature data f...
We tested the efficacy of frequent diurnal freeze-thaw cycles (FT-1) and sustained freezing cycles (FT-2) on low-porosity Dachstein limestone (0.1 % porosity). For FT-1, we... -
Global impact of sea level rise on coastal fresh groundwater resources
This readme.txt file briefly describes the contents of the datapackage containing the model results of the Global impact of sea level rise on coastal fresh groundwater... -
History Database of the Global Environment 3.3
This database presents an update and expansion of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, v 3.3) and replaces former HYDE 3.2 version from 2017. HYDE is and... -
History Database of the Global Environment 3.1
This database presents an update and expansion of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, v 3.1). HYDE is and internally consistent combination of updated... -
Data supplement to 'On the relative role of abiotic and biotic controls on ch...
This dataset contains the raw data for the ESurf paper Hautekiet et al. (2023). The supplementary material includes the DSMs of four experiments derived from laser line scanning... -
Data package with "Noncontacting laser-based acousto-seismics at the laborato...
This data was generated using the seismo-acoustic setup for geological materials in the TecLab in Utrecht, described in the research paper that will accompany this data set. The... -
Data supplement to: A theory for current mass flows in Martian gullies driven...
The data presented in this package includes (1) experimental data collected from experiments with CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric conditions. These... -
History Database of the Global Environment 3.3
This database presents an update and expansion of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, v 3.3) and replaces former HYDE 3.2 version from 2017. HYDE is and... -
Experimental evidence for deformation-enhanced devolatilization of (carbonate...
We analysed the frictional behaviour of antigorite and carbonated antigorite fault gouges in rotary-shear experiments at Utrecht University. Experiments were conducted at... -
History Database of the Global Environment 3.3
This database presents an update and expansion of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, v 3.3) and replaces former HYDE 3.2 version from 2017. HYDE is and... -
Data supplementary to "Complementing scale experiments of rivers and estuarie...
This data set contains supplementary material and the raw data for the Esurf paper Weisscher et al (2020). The supplementary material includes four supplementary figures to the... -
Large-scale biaxial experiments on frictionally heterogeneous faults: Mechani...
Frictional heterogeneity within fault zones is one of the factors proposed to explain the spectrum of slow, intermediate, and fast slip behaviors exhibited by faults in nature.... -
Microscopic and spectroscopic data of pseudotachylytes and wall rocks from th...
We investigated the microstructures and geochemistry of pseudotachylytes found within the ophiolitic peridotites and gabbros from the Moncuni area (Lanzo Ultramafic Massif,... -
Data supplement to: Active tectonics of the Circum-Pannonian region in the li...
In this data publication we present the set of input GNSS velocity vectors that are the base for the analysis of the velocity field and strain rate fields in Porkoláb et al.... -
The effect of sea-level rise on estuary filling in scaled landscape experiments
Data was generated for one experimental, sandy estuary in the 20 m long Metronome tidal flume The conditions were the same as in the data package... -
Chapter 2: Digital Data Supplements subsurface dataset Rhine-Meuse delta in t...
Quantitative local determination of these characteristics poses a major challenge in natural environments with a heterogeneous substrate. Geological knowledge on the natural... -
Dynamic Model (Eclipse Version) to predict the formation pressure response to...
The dynamic model of the Groningen gas field is used to predict the flow of water and gas in the reservoir and the areal distribution of reservoir pressure resulting from the... -
Global impact of sea level rise on coastal fresh groundwater resources
Groundwater salinity estimations for each sub-regional model (SRM) for past and future sea level rise. The folder also includes estimates of paleo groundwater recharge. -
PCR-GLOBWB community reference output - 4dHydro working package 2
4dHydro working package 2 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community reference outputs. The community reference outputs are a set of... -
Model output for the paper "Estimating Geodynamic Model Parameters from Geode...
This dataset contains the input and output files of the synthetic and real data assimilation experiments for interseismic deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku-Oki... -
History Database of the Global Environment 2.0
This HYDE 2.0 version is an updated version from 'The IMAGE 2 Hundred Year (1890 1990) Data Base of the Global Environment (HYDE) (1.0) called, and the 'A Hundred Year (1890... -
PCR-GLOBWB community reference output - 4dHydro working package 2
4dHydro working package 2 is dedicated to provided a set of land-surface and hydrological model community reference outputs. The community reference outputs are a set of... -
Data supplement to "The dynamics of CO2-driven granular flows in gullies on M...
The data presented in this package stems from two sets of experiments with CO2-driven granular flows under Martian atmospheric conditions. These experiments were conducted two... -
History Database of the Global Environment 3.2
This database presents an update and expansion of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE, v 3.2.1). HYDE is and internally consistent combination of updated... -
Annual mean NO2 concentrations Europe 2010
Exposure surface that contains annual concentrations (µg/m3) of NO2 developed for the ELAPSE project: Coordinate system: ETRS_89_LAEA -
Monitoring of Antibiotic Resistance in Veterinary Pathogens by re-use of data...
The emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is considered a serious public health threat with use of antimicrobials in animals considered as one of the potential... -
Kinematic data of the Icelandic horse with Induced forelimb lameness at walk,...
We describe and analyze a dataset that comprises horse movement. Data was collected during a forelimb lameness induction study. The dataset comprises 39 individual datasets (n =... -
UU Open Science Monitor 2020
YODA storage “research-osonderzoek” February 7, 2022 – Dominique Rijshouwer (; About the project: This data package contains all... -
CT-optimal touch and chronic pain experience in Parkinson’s Disease; An inter...
Raw data files, SPPS data + output files and Read me file